Saturday 21 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises - a satisfying reasonable fitting finale for a all-time great superhero saga!!

Finally the day has come!! – Many movie-lovers all over the world have been waiting for this since 2008. If there’s any movie worth-watching in London’s IMAX (to me), it’s easily this much-awaited movie, yes, I’m talking about “The Dark Knight rises”, So booked my ticket in one of prestigious IMAX cinema here at London a couple of weeks before.

I really liked the cinema and the way it was built and its specs etc. Thought so far so good, sat in one of the most comfortable seats and movie was about to begin, Without my knowledge I was a bit tense (despite being told to watch it with very low expectations).

It all started with few slides with some extreme HQ HD pics of animals with a question/info about IMAX technology saying “Did you know? ..........”.  But I was not much interested in them though they were very informative and further to my horror, ADs begin to show up (bit surprised to know that these things exist here in UK as well).

At last, Movie begins with a spectacular jaw dropping kidnapping scene. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there was a recorded message in the cinema just before Movie starts (after ADs finished) with a warning/tips in case if audience find difficulty with viewing. I really liked the way it was told as he mixed a lot of humour in it but was very useful. I felt dizziness in almost all the action sequences thanks to the IMAX technology which made me feel like part of those scenes.

Before entering into further details, I would say It’s just a “very good” movie (3.75/5 whereas TDK scores 4.5/5 and BB at 4/5) and reasonably fitting finale. It’s beyond greedy to expect this movie (for that matter, any movie) to be as good as TDK but sadly comparisons are inevitable.

1. It’s no TDK just because of Bane is no Joker (otherwise an on-par movie)

2. Nolan knows he can’t make a better one so cleverly made ABSOLUTELY NO references to TDK (except for Harvey Dent – much needed)

3. Nolan didn’t have much problems referring to BB so there’re lot of its references. I also prepared a lot before watching TDKR by watching both BB (twice) and TDK (once) a day before.

4. I have no clue whatsoever was in Nolan’s mind when framing Bane character as it’s the “ONLY and HUGE” drawback of the movie. I was clueless what to watch when Bane was on screen with his plastic voice (On a lighter note, a little tweak to catwoman character would have made a better antagonist  )

5. Emotional quotient too bit less compared to TDK but again there’re few scenes which show you why TDKR is fitting finale.

6. In TDK, even during those high-tech scenes, we were still connected with it due to the emotional quotient and also the reality-bringing patches. If you take Batpod scene, a man watching in his car’s rear mirror and kids shooting in the air with fingers, Joker saying “I like this job”... You hardly have such things in TDKR.

7. When I watched trailers of TDKR, thought catwoman role was kind of glamour quotient but it’s actually turned out to be the most exciting/interesting character of the movie.

8. The camera work is breath-taking and background music is hair-raising. I’m not sure why that brilliant BG tune was played only once in entire movie which comes when reactor converted into a bomb.

9. Movie made in extreme high technical standards in all the aspects. Thanks to Nolan for not going for 3D. IMAX just did it!!

10. One of the best scenes of the movie where Bruce Wayne escaping from Bane’s prison and when he failed for the first time, I expected BB’s scene where his dad asks “why do we fall Bruce?” but I was disappointed a bit as it was not there. (Nolan made my day by adding it when Bruce fails for the second time). You just gotta watch it what happens during his 3rd attempt to know why this scene is a spectacular one!

11. When I saw Batman sacrificed his life (to save Gotham from Bomb blast) the only and immediate question in my mind was “Does Gotham city really deserve it?”

12. Not sure It’s only me or the climax really suggests possible sequels (part 4 or something new series altogether)

TDKR is a must watch (IMAX version please) and reasonably decent fitting finale to an all-time great superhero movie saga!!!!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 9 (Final)

Disastrous ending for the tournament which I started equally bad. Maybe too much pressure (trying too hard) to win with White pieces. My opponent responded with Sicilian which i wanted to convert into some irregular opening but finally went onto French Adv Variation. God only knows why I made this silly blunder (15.Bg5) after very good start (especially pieces development). All i wanted to do was to place rook on c1 then Be3 should have been played (15.h4 would have given clear advantage which i saw during the game but didn't move it). After 15.Bg5, I knew i lost it right there but kept playing only to see a blunder from my opponent but he never gave me a chance. Though disappointing tournament but not a bad start considering my opponents skills/experince/professionalism (they play at atleast 4-5 chess clubs), All i need to do is keep playing (wonder how can I do it considering other priorities) to improve my game. Hope to publish more games (in case I play) and will try to write something on Chess...

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 8

I got bye in 7th round and it was good as i was suffering from back pain, headache and a bit of stress. Again in round-8, I started great and got pawn advantage in middle-game tactics but could not convert it into victory. I offered draw when he placed his rook so nicely in front of my passed pawn but he refused (tired of draw refusals) but after few moves, he offered draw (in fact, he tried to make 3-fold repetition) Rd 3,5,6 and 8 were hard-fought for almost 5 hours. Rd #1,4,5 should have been won by me but Timely blunders made me handover all of them.

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 6

After 2 back-to-back disheartening loses, It was tough to comeback especially against ~2100 ELO. He started with typical Pirc/Modern defense but later converted into Caro-Kann (Its typical problem with closed/semi-open games). I took lot of time to move 16.Qb4 which was defintely not a great move but it works Over the board as it adds up lot of pressure (could have been easily defeended by 16...a5) I pushed my pawn to a5 as he missed that move. I offered draw after 42nd move (dead draw) which was refused by opponent as usually (as if he had some winning lines). Later he had to offer draw on Move-60 to which I responded sensibly. Very hard-fought game played for nearly 6 hours!!

Tuesday 13 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 5

Another disappointing day where I started brilliantly but failed to convert it into Victory. I should have played 14...Rh6 to win and I also had lot of time adv. as he took almost 1 hour for his 2 Q moves. After 15...Rh7, Queens were exchanged and position suddenly became equal. SO I Offered him draw (was refused by my opponent) and went on to make few mistakes later on in hurry (lot of time on clock with additinal 30min after 40th move). I was so upset that i didnt even talk to my oppenent, simply singed score-sheet and left. Next day I apologied to him and he replied "No Problem, I can totally understand".

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 4

It's easily the most disappointing day as I surrendered from easily-winning position. It's easy to see those much-needed moves from "outside" but I don't know why I missed them (I completely missed few good moves and could see few other but somehow didn't play them). It was even worse when my opponent was showing few winning-lines for me in post-game analysis. After my post-mortem, I asked myself: 1. why 14.Qd2 instead of Qd5 (easy win and anyone would resign from black side - I was not interested in Q exchange)?? 2. why 16.Rhe1 instead of Bd4 (Sadly i saw Bd4 and thought lot about it but end up playing Rhe1) 3. Why 19.Bg5 instead of Bxc7 ?? (Wanted to keep Bishop in same diagonal of Q&K) Finally Queen Sacrifice (as if previous blunders not enough) which was a decisive blunder and i made it by not seeing 23.....Bd6 in my 10-ply deep thought. Despite all above, Its very interesting game with Many sharp lines.