It's easily the most disappointing day as I surrendered from easily-winning position. It's easy to see those much-needed moves from "outside" but I don't know why I missed them (I completely missed few good moves and could see few other but somehow didn't play them). It was even worse when my opponent was showing few winning-lines for me in post-game analysis.
After my post-mortem, I asked myself:
1. why 14.Qd2 instead of Qd5 (easy win and anyone would resign from black side - I was not interested in Q exchange)??
2. why 16.Rhe1 instead of Bd4 (Sadly i saw Bd4 and thought lot about it but end up playing Rhe1)
3. Why 19.Bg5 instead of Bxc7 ?? (Wanted to keep Bishop in same diagonal of Q&K)
Finally Queen Sacrifice (as if previous blunders not enough) which was a decisive blunder and i made it by not seeing 23.....Bd6 in my 10-ply deep thought.
Despite all above, Its very interesting game with Many sharp lines.
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