Tuesday 13 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 2

After disastrous start in round-1, my confidence level was pretty low and the only positive thing about round-2 that I was going to play with White pieces. I prepared quite a few rare openings to trap my opponents but end of the tournament It was evident that almost all the players playing LCC prepared for all openings. I started with my favourite 1.e4 (thankfully she didn’t respond with Sicilian) and the entire game was very even to both sides resulting in a dead draw. I offered draw on move 25 and she accepted it (Only player to have accepted my draw offer in entire tournament). I tried to exchange Queens to push into end-game which would favour me but she never gave chance to do so. Same was told in post-game analysis. Draw after terrible round-1 gave me lot of relief and a bit of confidence.

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