Wednesday 14 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 9 (Final)

Disastrous ending for the tournament which I started equally bad. Maybe too much pressure (trying too hard) to win with White pieces. My opponent responded with Sicilian which i wanted to convert into some irregular opening but finally went onto French Adv Variation. God only knows why I made this silly blunder (15.Bg5) after very good start (especially pieces development). All i wanted to do was to place rook on c1 then Be3 should have been played (15.h4 would have given clear advantage which i saw during the game but didn't move it). After 15.Bg5, I knew i lost it right there but kept playing only to see a blunder from my opponent but he never gave me a chance. Though disappointing tournament but not a bad start considering my opponents skills/experince/professionalism (they play at atleast 4-5 chess clubs), All i need to do is keep playing (wonder how can I do it considering other priorities) to improve my game. Hope to publish more games (in case I play) and will try to write something on Chess...

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