Tuesday 13 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 1

On 3rd Dec 2011, The tournament begins and tension all over. I was actually paired with an FM (2100 ELO) who didn't turn up and was re-paired after 30-min against a 1799 ELO-rated player with black pieces. Though started well, I didn't expect he would delay and do long-castle (Early short castle in quite common in this opening) and realized it only when he played 10.Nf1 (by that time i already did 0-0) I knew he was playing wrong and using some cheap techniques to crush me but unfortunately i didn't know on how to capitalize his bad Middled King (no castling). I went into complete defense mode 12....Nh7 (had i played 12...d5 - would have won easily) So my misery started with crushing lose to 1700+ player. PS: He used same technique in all the rounds (with white pieces atleast) and was outplayed convincingly by his opponents.

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