Wednesday 14 December 2011

London Chess Classic 2011 - FIDE Open - Round 6

After 2 back-to-back disheartening loses, It was tough to comeback especially against ~2100 ELO. He started with typical Pirc/Modern defense but later converted into Caro-Kann (Its typical problem with closed/semi-open games). I took lot of time to move 16.Qb4 which was defintely not a great move but it works Over the board as it adds up lot of pressure (could have been easily defeended by 16...a5) I pushed my pawn to a5 as he missed that move. I offered draw after 42nd move (dead draw) which was refused by opponent as usually (as if he had some winning lines). Later he had to offer draw on Move-60 to which I responded sensibly. Very hard-fought game played for nearly 6 hours!!

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